This is how you sow grass seed

Do you love gardening? Then you definitely need to know how to sow grass seed. Luckily, thanks to our tips in this article, this is not a difficult task. And with the help of Moowy you’ll have a green lawn in no-time. Read our tips and be prepared!

When to scarify your lawn?

If you want to leave a lawn scarified for a longer period of time, then you have to scarify on a cold day as opposed to a sunny day. As soon as the lawn is scarified, allow the lawn to grow out of the scarification. Allow the lawn to grow until the roots have penetrated to the scarification. Do not fertilise for one more week. This scarification process is called re-scarification. You can fertilise every 2 to 4 weeks during this period.

When to cut the scarification?

When the lawn has reached the end of the scarification process then you can end the scarification. You may find that the grass has reached its maximum height. When this happens you should cut the scarification until the grass is a quarter of an inch below the scarification. There is no need to cut the scarification after the height reaches 4 inches, however, if the grass has reached its maximum height then you should cut the scarification all the way down to the base of the grass. There is no need to fertilise after you have cut the scarification, however, the best results are achieved when you fertilise on a monthly basis.

Check the pH of your lawn’s soil

It’s important to know how to sow grass seed. First of all, choose quality grass seed. Moowy has a good reputation, for example. Second,  your lawn must be in perfect condition. To check the health of your lawn you can use the so-called ‘Lawn Test’, which is a simple test performed in a laboratory. The test will determine whether or not the soil is too dry, too wet or just right for your lawn. This test will determine the pH of your lawn’s soil. The pH scale ranges from 1 to 14 and 7 is neutral. A pH of 7 is considered to be neutral.

Use insecticides

To protect your lawn from pests, please use insecticide regularly in order to control the pests. It is imperative that you understand the type of pest that your lawn is being affected by in order to properly use the appropriate insecticide. For example, grasshoppers are the most common pest. Also, use predator insects when there are plaques of aphids on your lawn. Aphids are tiny insects that suck the sap out of plants, causing wilting and dryness. And you obviously don’t want these guests in your garden. So be prepared and fight against them, so that they will not destroy your lawn and grass seed.