Is it Worth Replacing Your uPVC Double Glazing?

Windows are part of the external fabric of a home. Like the roof and doors, windows help protect our home from the weather and intruders. Good quality windows can enhance the value of a property whereas low-quality windows have the opposite effect.

The majority of modern homes these days have uPVC windows fitted. They are the norm. Look around an average street in the UK and you will see that only older or period properties have wooden window frames. UPVC windows have come down significantly in price in the last 20 years, and it’s now possible to purchase a new uPVC window for less than £500. You can view a full selection of styles and designs at, but before you do that, you need to decide whether it is worth replacing your existing uPVC windows.

Here is a quick guide to help you make the right decision.

Your Windows are Old

Older-style uPVC windows are less energy efficient than newer windows. Purchase new energy efficient windows and you could save money each year on your energy bills. Look for windows that have been rated by the British Fenestration Rating Council (BFRC) as A-rated or higher. The highest rating is A++. Good quality double-glazing companies sell A-rated windows as standard.

There is Condensation Between the Glass

Condensation between the glass panels means the seal has broken. This is common in older windows. You can have the glass unit replaced without removing the frame, but if your frames are old, it may be worth replacing the whole unit.

The Frames are Cracked

Cracked frames need replacing. A cracked window frame is not energy efficient and will probably be draughty. It could also lead to the seal breaking in the glazed unit. Watch out for damaged hinges too.

The Windows Look Shabby

Looks are not everything, but many older styles of uPVC windows are not aesthetically pleasing. They tend to have black strips between the frame and the glass, which look unsightly. Many cheaper uPVC windows are affected by UV light, which turns them an unsightly shade of yellow. If you want to be proud of your home, upgrade the windows.

You Want to Sell Your Home

Old, poor quality uPVC windows will reduce the value of your home. Buyers don’t want to spend a fortune when they move in. Many buyers are maxed out to the limit with mortgage payments and can’t afford to make expensive repairs. Replace the windows with good quality A-rated double-glazing and you should recoup the cost of your purchase when you sell the property. It will also make the house more attractive to prospective buyers, which speeds up the sale process.

Replacing all the windows on an average-sized property isn’t cheap, but there are usually discounts available when you buy more than 3-4 windows and a door. Shop around for the best prices and don’t be suckered into paying more than you can afford by a pushy salesperson.

If you are pushed into signing a contract, remember that you have a 14-day cooling off period.